Sustainability by Victoria Ford

Sustainability by Victoria Ford London

The environment and our continual impact upon it, is at the forefront of our lives and Victoria Ford London is constantly reviewing and renewing every aspect of our business to ensure we can strive to be as environmentally conscious as is possible, without compromising our quality nor your experience from buying from us.

By shopping with Victoria Ford London you can also be assured that you are also buying British. Buying British keeps our carbon footprint low as well as encouraging our economy. 

All of our products are created using sustainably sourced materials with an eco-conscious approach that are fully traceable and that ensures our carbon footprint is kept to the bare minimum. Our wax products are made using a beautiful blend of sustainable plant waxes as opposed to paraffin or mineral waxes and our room sprays and diffuser bottles use glass that can be easily recycled. Many of our products are created to be reused and repurposed to be enjoyed over and over again, thus reducing the overall impact upon our environment. 

Our packaging is also fully recyclable, from our wax melt bags that are 100% biodegradable, due them being created from 100% vegetable matter, to our 'fill' packaging that is made from maize starches that can simply be washed away with tap water until they completely dissolve, we care very deeply about our impact to the environment and will continue to strive to do our utmost to ensure we can and will make a positive change to our world whilst maintaining our high standards of quality and ethics.